Week46 – Update Nov10 2024

Location announcement with link to the accommodation information posted at the official notice board.

Week46 regattas will be sailed on Lake Onkamo, Salla unless something unexpected happens and we are forced to change the location. This is business as usual – you never know. However this time is exceptional. It is Sunday and we are confident enough and very happy and proud to post the official location announcement.

Please follow your e-mail. Organizing committee have sent an invitation link to the event Whatsapp groups directly to the registered sailors – to the e-mail address given in the registration details. Please don’t share or publish the invitation link. Joining the groups is strictly voluntary based. The WA groups will not replace the official notice board. All official announcements will be posted at the official notice board (manage2sail.com) and MAY be shared for convenience in the INFO WA group.

There will be two WA groups: “Week46/24 Event INFO” and “Week46/24 Open Stage”. INFO group will be used for one direction information only, from organizers to the sailors. Sailors are not able to send messages there. All participants can send messages in “Open Stage” group.

Greetings from DN Finland regarding DN European Championship 25 22.2-1.3.2025

Snow has barely touched the ground but we’re already looking at DN European Championship 2025 ❄️

Preparations are under way in co-operation with IDNIYRA and DN Finland.

At the moment, we’re looking for sponsors. Every connection and hints are much appreciated.

Anyways, the whole point of this post is that we’re saying that DNEC25 will take place 22.2-1.3.2025 🤩

If you have any matters regarding DNEC25

please contact us at:

See you at Week46!

Week46 – NoR and registration

Kausi alkaa – Season is about to start! The very first event of the global ice sailing season is soon to start in Finland. Week46 event consists of Johnny Köhler Cup Nov15 and All Saint’s Regatta Nov16-17. Welcome!

Week46 kilpailukutsut on julkaistu ja ilmoittautuminen on avattu. Muista ilmoittautua molempiin kilpailuihin:

Johnny Köhler Cup registration.

All Saint’s Regatta registration.

Vuosikokous 26.9.2024

Vuosikokouskutsu 26.9.2024 ja linkki kokousaineistoon lähetetty kaikille jäsenille sähköpostitse (osoitteeseen joka ilmoitettu liitolle).

Mikäli et ole saanut kutsua ja olet jäsen niin ota yhteyttä dnfinland(at)icesailing.fi
niin korjataan yhteystieto ja toimitetaan kutsu.

Kausi lähestyy, tervetuloa kokoukseen!

Finnish Nationals regatta completed

All time record: 61 sailors with 11 nationalities participated the Finnish Nationals during the weekend. Tricky conditions, but the same for all. Fair and good racing! Huge thanks to all participants, volunteer race officers, our hosts at Kristalliranta and the organizers.

Overall: Winner P36 Karol Jablonski, 2nd C45 Mihkel Kosk, 3rd C20 Rasmus Maalinn.

Finnish Championship medals were handed to the three best Finnish sailors as follows: Gold L601 Johnny Winquist, Silver L137 Teemu Rantanen, Bronze L112 Reko Suojanen

Result GOLD Fleet and SILVER Fleet

Overall results, Finnish Nationals 2024

photo credit/copyright: jussi@takaraja