Results after second day.

Results after first day in Lake Öljaren.

Download PDF

Update 04.02.2022

The regatta site is lake Öljaren in Sweden, south-east of lake Hjälmaren.
DN Sweden will arrange ranking races on the same lake during the coming weekend.

Launch site will be at Julita Kyrka, click here for directions

The regatta hotel is:
Best Western Hotel Statt in Katrineholm
Storgatan 20 |SE-641 45 | Katrineholm Phone +46 (0) 150 504 40

When you make your reservation say that you are coming for the Ice sailing regatta.

Please read the NOR and be prepared to present your valid TPL insurance certificate at the registration. Drive safely.

Welcome to Grand Masters Cup 2022 arranged by DN Finland – in Sweden!

Update 31.01.2022
A snowstorm passed over Finland and Estonia last weekend. According to our information it did not give too much snow in Sweden. There may, however, come another low pressure over Sweden later this week, which according to the current forecasts, may give snow there.

It is difficult to find the perfect spot. All hints are welcomed. We have not given up the hope, but currently we cannot give any further info. There are scheduled races next weekend in Estonia, Finland and Sweden. This means that the ice is being seriously searched.

All entrants will be added to the Whatsapp Group called “DN GM Cup 2022 Official”. This is the channel for official information from the Race Committee during the regatta. For participants read only.

All entrants will be added to the Whatsapp Group called “GrandMasters EU small talk”. This is the channel for unofficial chat, like venue speculation, Covid regulations, etc. All participants can contribute. If you do not intend to participate in the regatta, but wish to be enrolled in the WA group, please use this link:

Stay tuned.

Update 12.1.2022
There is some concern in the air, caused by the current COVID situation and restrictions in Europe. Everyone is aware of the current COVID situation. However, no one knows the situation of early February. The Finnish restrictions currently in force do not prevent organizing sport events outdoors, provided that relevant safety measures are followed.

DN Finland is still proceeding with the organizing work. The primary candidate for the venue is Finland, but as we all know, this may change according to conditions. Moving the venue to another country may, however, be difficult because of the varying COVID procedures. Our intention is to keep you all informed about any changes as early as possible.

As every skipper is solely responsible for his/her decision to race, he/she is also solely responsible for coping with possible travelling restrictions and conditions, which unfortunately may change in short notice.

Let’s keep the spirit up and hope for the best (ice and wind)!

DN Finland invites senior DN ice yacht sailors, over 60 years of age, to participate in the Grand Masters Cup 2022 Regatta. The regatta will be sailed 08-10 February 2022 aiming to 12 races. The site will be announced on 04 February 2021, at latest.

Notice of Race can be downloaded here

Sailing Instructions can be downloaded here

Registration using entry form here

List of entries is here

For further information and updates, please follow this page. A Whatsapp group will be created for rapid communication at the racing site. Please give your phone number in the Entry Form if you wish to be included in the WA group.

In case of any problems in connection with the registration or in the need of other advice, you may contact L-53 Petri Pennanen by petri.m.pennanen (at)

DN Finland warmly welcomes all senior sailors to Grand Masters Cup 2022!

HSK-Ranking 5.-6.2.2022

Update 2.2.22
Peruttu – Canceled
Liikaa lunta, joka puolella – Too much snow everywhere

Tervetuloa HSK-Rankingiin!
HSK-Ranking purjehditaan 5.–6.2.2022

• Kilpailupaikka valitaan kilpailuja edeltävällä viikolla ja siitä ilmoitetaan DN-liiton web- sivuilla viimeistään perjantaina 4.2.2022 klo 12.00
• Kipparikokous pidetään La 5.2.2022 kello 10.00.
• Kilpailut purjehditaan Suomen DN-SM, NIA, IDNIYRA sääntöjen mukaan.
• Kaikilla osallistujilla tulee olla voimassa oleva vastuuvakuutus ja todistus siitä.
( Katso ohjeet: )
• Viimeiset lähdöt lähetetään viimeistään n. 1/2 tuntia ennen auringonlaskua. Viimeinen startti sunnuntaina lähetetään viimeistään klo 15.00
• Osallistumismaksu 30 €, maksetaan paikan päällä.
• Ilmoittautuminen alla olevaan linkkiin.
• Jälki-ilmoittautuminen viimeistään la klo 10.

Välkomna till HSK-Ranking 5.-6.2.2022
• Tävlingsplats meddelas på denna hemsida senast fredagen den 4.2.2022 kl 12.00.
• Skepparmöte lördagen kl. 10.00.
• Tävlingarna seglas enligt Finlands DN-FM/Ranking-, NIA och IDNIYRA regler.
• Alla tävlande skall ha en gällande, tillräcklig ansvarsförsäkring.
Segling sker på egen risk.
• Anmälningsavgift 30 € betalas med kontant på skepparmötet.
• Anmälan via internet.
• Efteranmälan före skepparmötet





Wellcome to HSK-Ranking 2022
HSK-Ranking will be sailed 5.-6.2.2022

• Race site will be selected on the preceding week. Site will be informed on the internet site The place of racing site will be published latest on Friday 4.2.2022 12.00 hrs
• Skippers meetings on Saturday 5.2. at 10.00 hrs.
• Rules according to Finnish SM-rules, NIA, IDNIYRA rules.
• All sailors must have a valid third party liability insurance.
• Last starts  latest 1/2 hours before sunset and last race on Sunday latest at 15.00hrs.
• Entry fee 30 €  will be collected at the site (registration).
• Entry in the website.
• Also late entry possible at site latest Saturday at 10.00.

The items for a proper certificate of insurance:

  1. the insurance has to be a TPL insurance – for so me this is not so clear.
  2. the certificate must be in English language.
  3. the liability cover for personal injuries must b
    e at least 500.000,– € or equivalent in foreign currencies;
    for property dama ges it can be less.
  4. the certificate must clearly show that this insu rance covers sailing with
    iceboats including race events and training races.
  5. the certificate must show, that the insurance covers the region of Finland waters.
    If you have an insurance “worldwide” these regions are covered of course
    and it’s ok.
  6. the certificate must clearly show, that it is valid at least for the time of
    the event. ( HSK-Ranking 2022: 5.2.2022 – 6.2.2022 )
  7. the sailors who submitted the certificate
    will be published on the website

All competitors must have valid insurance.
You can send your proof of insurance:
by phone +358 400 201717 or email: