These generic sailing instructions are valid and will be applied in the DN ice sailing racing events organized by DN Finland/Suomen DN-Jääpursiliitto or a national club unless otherwise specified in Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions or skippers meeting.
Respect the nature and local people. Leave nothing but runner lines on the ice and foot steps at the landing site.
Respect the organizers and fellow sailors.
All races will be sailed in compliance with the specifications and constitutions of IDNIYRA, the Racing Rules of NIA and the Finnish National DN Ranking rules with possible exceptions and additions mentioned in sailing instructions and skippers meeting.
In case of conflict between the rules Sailing Instructions and instructions given in the skippers meeting will prevail.
Inline course with darling marks will be used. The distance between the downwind mark and upwind mark is aprx. 1,1 – 2,5 km. See Appendix A: Inline Course
Maximum lap time
Maximum lap time is 8 min per km distance between the marks.
If no yacht complete a lap within the defined maximum lap time, the race will be cancelled or abandoned.
Marks will be introduced at the skippers meeting.
Darling marks are used near the windward and leeward marks. Darling mark will be part of the mark. Sailors are not allowed to pass between mark and darling mark. Crossing the line between mark and darling mark shall be cause for disqualification.
In order to increase safety at mark rounding, the darling marks may be located off the straight line between the marks.
Start line
The start line will be marked by orange or red flags. There is two options: block starting line system and “wire” starting line system. The starting line system and the marks to be used will be introduced in the skippers meeting.
If block starting line system is used sailors shall place windward runner by the block.
If wire starting line system is used sailors shall place leeward runner next to the starting position indicated on the starting wire. Yachts should be lifted over the wire to avoid damage.
Sailing over/thru the starting line is strictly prohibited and may cause disqualification.
Start procedure
Race officer will signal the start as follows:
- 5 minutes warning will be hailed with sound signal.
- 1 minute will be hailed with sound signal.
- Race number, numbers of laps and maximum time per lap will be hailed by the RO
- RO will hail “left side ready – right side ready” to check that all sailors are ready to start
- RO will raise the starting flag and hail “flag is up” as preparatory signal
- Start happens when the RO lowers swiftly the starting flag with single sound signal
In case the start needs to be delayed or abandoned after the preparatory signal the race officer will give three sound signals and slowly withdraw the starting flag.
Finish line
Finish line is formed by the down wind mark and finishing flag (checkered flag) showed by the race officer downwind from the downwind mark. The finish line is parallel to the wind. The finish line will be opened when the leading/winning yachts are approaching the finish. Finish line will be closed 15 minutes after the first boat finishes.
Grand Prix finishing system
The Grand Prix finishing system will be applied.
15 minutes after the first yacht finishes a race, the finishing line will be closed and black flag displayed at the leeward mark. All remaining sailors that have not crossed the finish line will be given a finishing position from the previous completed lap. Those that have not finished their first lap will score DNF.
Low point scoring will be applied. A yacht is scored based on the finishing position in each race. Discard will be applied after 5 and 8 conducted races.
Fleet split
Race committee might decide to split the fleet into two groups. The division to two qualification groups and the starting positions will be based on lottery.
After the first races of both qualification groups, the 1st 40% of sailors will join the Gold -fleet. Qualification race points will be carried over to final results and are subject to discard.
The next race is for the rest of the sailors. After this race the best sailors will go to the Gold -fleet – so many that the fleets are of same size. This race is also the first Silver -fleet race. The winner of the first Silver -fleet race is the first who does not move up to Gold -fleet.
Link to the more detailed definition (Sorry in Finnish only).
Safety Zone and Parking area
Safety Zone is limited by the starting line and blue flags on the leeward side of the starting line. Sailing and parking in the safety zone is prohibited. If there is no blue flags there is no safety zone.
Parking area is located leeward of the starting line and safety zone if set. Leaving and returning to the parking area must be carried out with special caution. When returning to the parking area sail around and approach the area carefully from the leeward side.
“Lex Viking”
“Lex Viking” will apply. See figure in Attachment B.
Pushing the yacht below 90º or higher wind angle than normally sailed upwind, ie over close hauled, is not permitted while racing. The wind direction is always presumed to be parallel the imaginary line between the windward and leeward marks. Violation of “Lex Viking” shall be cause for disqualification.
Equipment shall comply with IDNIYRA regulations and may be checked for compliance during the regatta
In the Finnish national championship regatta the same equipment shall be used throughout the entire regatta except 9 runners and 2 sails may be used. In case of damage the Race Committee may permit change of equipment.
In other Regattas equipment may be changed and used without any limitation.
Race abandonment or cancellation
A black flag displayed by the race committee will signal abandonment or cancellation of the race. All yachts shall return to the parking area.
Race committee may abandon or cancel the race for various reasons to ensure the race is fair and safe. Examples: max lap time exceeded, change in wind direction or velocity, decreased visibility.
Obligation to notify the race officer
Each sailor skipping a scheduled race or retiring a race shall inform the race officer accordingly.
Intention to protest must be reported to the Race Committee immediately after the concerned race. A written protest must be filed with the Race Committee Chairman within 60 minutes after the last race of the day. Race Committee Chairman will be introduced and three protest committee members will be nominated in the skippers meeting.
Liability disclaimer
The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death, sustained in conjunction with, prior to, during or after the regatta. All sailors must have a valid 3rd party liability insurance.
Appendix A: Inline course

Appendix B: “Lex Viking”