Sunny Ranking – 1.-2.4. 2023

BSS Sunny Ranking 2023 by
Results after first day BSS Sunny Ranking by

30.3. SunnyRanking decision: Race is on!
Race place are Pjelaxfjärden Närpiö.

Cottage accommodation, please bring your own bed linen and towell.
Restaurants available at kristiinankaupunki 10km drive from cabins.
The nearest hotels in Kristiinakaupunki.

Landing and Cottage accommodation:
Strandkulla stugor, Skrattnäsvägen 700, Pjelax, 64250
+358 (0)50 3138690 –

NoR and registration here!

The weather forecast is sunny, the wind is good and steady from the north.
29.3. The ice is normal melted snowice, with 4cm snowpuff.

29.3. Update – Sunny Ranking
We have found ice! Only 4cm of snow today.
Place Pjelaxfjärden Närpiö -> GoogleMaps
Let’s hope there is no more snow coming.

Final decision on Thursday.

29.3.2023 Pjelaxfjärden Närpiö, skated today

28.3. Update – Sunny Ranking
The weather is very challenging. There is too much snow almost everywhere.
The least amount of snow is in Säkylä, 12 centimeters.
I’m still looking for ice, I will also check what will change in Säkylä tomorrow.
But at the moment there is no sailing ice.
Next update tomorrow evening at the latest.

25.3. Update – Sunny Ranking
We have ice right now, but the weather forecast is challenging.
At the moment, the best option is Säkylä Pyhäjärvi.
There are sailors in Säkylä at the moment.

Next update on Tuesday.

NoR published and registration open!

SM / Finnish Nationals Regatta – Final Results 12.3.2023

Kallahden selällä Vuosaaressa purjehdittiin 11-12.3 Jääpurjehduksen DN -luokan SM-kisat vauhdikkaissa ja vaikeissa lumisissa olosuhteissa.

Vuosaaren Purjehtijoiden (VP) Teemu Rantanen voitti jo kolmannen kerran peräkkäin vauhdikkaimman purjehdusluokan Suomen mestaruuden. Kokkolan Karleby Isseglare ry:tä edustava Kimmo Peltonen purjehti hienosti SM regatan hopealle ja pronssia vei NJKta edustava John Winquist. Kisoissa oli 26 osallistujaa ympäri Suomea ja purjehtijoita myös Virosta. Lauantaina Kallahden selällä oli kova tuuli ja lumisade ja sunnuntaina auringon paisteessa jääpursien menoa hidasta satanut lumipeite. Hotelli Rantapuisto toimi kilpailukeskuksena ja alue tarjosi loistavat puitteet kilpailun järjestämiseen.

SM / Finnish Nationals was sailed in Helsinki, Kallahdenselkä in challenging conditions. Very gusty breeze and snow on the ice making it – especially on Saturday – very sticky.

Regatta over all winner: C20, Rasmus Maalinn. 2nd C72, Marek Lentsius. 3rd C73, Eigo Helimets.

Finnish Championship Gold medal, Suomenmestari 3rd time in a row, L137, Teemu Rantanen. Silver L143, Kimmo Peltonen. Bronze L601, John Winqvist.

Stay tuned and think ice!