Update Dec2 – Itsenäisyysregatta CANCELLED
We are sad to inform that the race committee is forced to cancel the event due to lack of forecasted wind.
Valitettavasti kilpailulautakunta joutuu peruuttamaan tapahtuman. Ennustettu tuuli ei riittäisi purjehtimiseen.
More details behind the decision will be shared in WA to the sailors that are registered to the event.
Itsenäisyysregatta – Independence Regatta 2022 is cancelled.
Next event: Kahakka Ranking Jan 7-8. NoR is published and registration is open at manage2sail.
Please note that it is possible that someone steps up and arrange “black ice” regatta even before Kahakka Ranking!
Itsenäisyysregatta – Independence Regatta 3.-4.12.2022

Itsenäisyysregatta – Independence Regatta will be arranged next week!
There is numerous good and excellent race venue options available with very little or no rain/snow in the forecast.
Race site with the best available conditions will be targeted. Race site will be decided and announced as described in NoR, latest Thursday Dec 1st at 19:00 local time in Finland.
NoR is published and registration open at manage2sail.
BLACK Ice Friday.
Stay tuned to www.icesailing.fi for further updates.
Week46 DN event: Johnny Köhler Cup & All Saints Regatta 2022

The European icesailing season was traditionally opened in Finnish Lapland Week46, 18-20 November. This time the best ice area was found at lake Onkamo in Salla, very close to the Russian border. The lake is big and the ice was stable and free of snow. This was the highest altitude ever sailed in Finland, 320 meters above the sea level. 23 sailors representing Finland, Germany and Poland gathered at the landing site, where we could utilize the spacious lodge of the local hunting club as a race office.
The landscape is absolutely stunning, offering awesome scenery with the fjells in the horizon. The sunny days are short in daylight this time of year and the sunsets offered spectacular colors with northern lights during the nights. Unfortunately the high pressure kept the wind away and thus the Johnny Köhler Cup could not be sailed, despite of the optimistic efforts made. On Saturday it was time for the All Saints Regatta and we were lucky: 5 races were sailed in demanding conditions. After the race, very delicious reindeer soup was offered at the landing site lodge, supplied by a local reindeer herder. The second day, Sunday started very cold and the races for that day were cancelled for a good reason.
All in all, we had a good event, all are happy. The results are published at manage2sail and also available at www.icesailing.fi.

All Saints Regatta 2022
Official announcement 16 Nov 2022

Race site for Johnny Köhler Cup and All Saints Regatta 2022 is Onkamojärvi, Salla..
There is 15cm of clear ice at the altitude of 300m above sea level. Awesome scenery and perfect conditions.
Kilpailupaikaksi vahvistetaan Onkamojärvi, Salla.
Follow www.icesailing.fi for possible updates.
Photo 16 November 2022, Onkamojärvi

Notice of Race available and registration open until the skippers meeting at manage2sail.com.
Update 8.11. – Kilpailukutsu muutettu/NoR revised
Johnny Köhler Cup, All Saints Regatta ja Itsenäisyys Regatta koskeviin NoR:eihin on tehty muutos. Muutettu NoR löytyy manage2sail -järjestelmästä tapahtumakohtaiselta ilmoitustaululta.
Johnny Köhler Cup, All Saints Regatta and Itsenäisyys Regatta NoR’s have been revised. See per event notice board at manage2sail for the revised NoR.
Muutos liittyy uusien tukidokumenttien käyttöönottoon: “Kilpailukelpoisuus – Eligibility” ja “Generic Sailing Instructions“. Kilpailukutsu viittaa näihin tukidokumentteihin. Dokumentit kuvaa liiton järjestämien kisojen kelpoisuusvaatimukset ja käytännöt.
The revision is related to the launch of new supporting documents: “Kilpailukelpoisuus – Eligibility” and “Generic Sailing Instructions“. NoR refers to these new support documents. These documents describe the eligibility requirements and practices applied in the events organized by DN Finland.